Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Nick Carroll @ Singapore Java Meetup

Singapore Java Meetup on 11th of September featured Nick Carroll from ThoughtWorks Australia. It took place at Brewerkz at 19:30. It was my first time attending Singapore Java Meetup and I am very impressed with the setup; it has high projector screen which is easily seen from anywhere in the room, has great ambiance, food, and drinks..which you can guess what kind from the name of the place itself. As I understand it, we owes them to Christopher Marsh-Bourdon's hard work to make it happen; even though he must be dead tired for just having a new baby just few days back. Thanks a lot and congrats Chris!

Nick gave overview of Agile & Lean development practice. He also explained some practices that ThoughtWorks does religiously, such as Continuous Integration. The highlight for me was Mingle demonstration; which is something that I have wanted to try but haven't get around to.

Unfortunately there wasn't enough time for Nick to go more in depth on the topics that he presented. Nick, I hope you find Singapore is charming enough to come back and speak again here.

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